

La Barroneña Ranch operates as a Commercial Cow Calf producer. In years past, mostly because of the Bennett Family’s close ties with Captain King and the King Ranch, La Barroneña raised pure bred Santa Gertrudis cattle. Over decades, driven by market demands and the ranches arid climate, the Ranch switched breeds on several occasions. Currently the Ranch herd is mostly pure bred Brahma Cattle for their drought tolerance, high reproductive rate and calving ease, with a small herd of Brahma cows crossed with Angus, Brangus and South Poll bulls.


In recent years a small scale experiment was started to test the viability and profitability of raising meat goats. Part of the experiment is to assess the goats ability to “clear” bush pastureland in a natural zero carbon emission way. A small herd is maintained in a controlled area while the testing in underway.

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